
life and coffee

Some thoughts about debating

Never thought that I could defeat some of the experienced debaters in Leiden Debate Union, but it actually happened yesterday. I was always thinking about how to improve my debating skills. I tried a lot of strategies from videos, tutorials, but every time I end up at the place where I start. From yesterday's experience, I think I get a general thought about how to get on the right tracks. 

The most important take away from yesterday's round is finding the key stakeholders related to your burden. We debated about whether we welcome tinder's update on allowing partners reviewing and publishing sex performance score after an encounter. For welcome/regret motion, the most important burden is to identify the SQ problem (if there is), then decide whether to agree with the problem (proposed by another side), with the final explanation of how removing/sustaining SQ will influence the problems. Since we debated on the op side, we have to, by all means, cut the benefit of gov side, and prove the update is something horrible. 

We forgot to discuss the tinder's intention of doing the update, how it will influence the goal of tinder ( which should also be characterized in the round)... But we identify the problems of people who receive the scores and how they will react and how they will be worse off. The reason why we were able to make the win is that we analyze the SH in detail ( how this update damage the purpose of the platform and user experience, create misconception on a successful relationship and partner, humiliate and victimize individuals who are inexperienced or do not expect a sexual encounter). Later on, we realized that maybe arguments centre around the tinder's intention ( how tinder expect to get from this update, and how the results will actually go opposite to their expectation) are actually more relevant argumentation, but even though we were not able to do that in the round, but SH analysis made our impact stand and remained as a huge contribution to that round. BP is about contribution, about why each teams' cases matter. Though I am still not able to come up with the most relevant cases effectively, maybe just realizing the problem of myself is already a huge step for my improvement. You never understand something unless you experience by yourself, and I hope I am gonna have more experiences like this in my future debating journey.